Parent involvement is one of the key factors in the overall success of all our athletes. With your support, Coaches are relieved of some administrative duties allowing them to dedicate more time to coaching - particularly for our Ravens teams.

Two Columns

  • Rosters: This is an invaluable job and is necessary for all league and tournament games. The Team Manager must keep a spreadsheet including the players first and last name, jersey number, and date of birth. It should include the players phone number as well as the phone numbers and email addresses of their parents/guardians. (We’ve created a handy Team Roster document template for you to use, ask your Coach for access.)
  • Coordinate scorekeepers: This is a necessary component of being a Team Manager. For every game (both league and tournament), one parent from each team must volunteer as a scorekeeper. Each athletes’ parent/guardian is expected to scorekeep, at minimum, one game during the season. RDMBA has many useful links available to assist in training scorekeepers. Just ask!
  • Fundraising: From time to time, teams choose to fundraise for extras that are not provided by RDMBA. RDMBA welcomes teams to take initiative to fundraise for costs related to their team experience (example: hotels, transportation, meals, team outings, etc). All fundraised money must be split equitably between the players that are fundraising. No funds may be placed in any private individual accounts. Should a team choose to fundraise, please contact the Club Administrator, Meagan, for how RDMBA can support your fundraising initiatives and ensure accurate procedures are being followed for tracking and disbursement purposes.
  • Social Media Assistance: Give our athletes some well deserved recognition and share the story of RDMBA! Team updates, pictures, scores, etc from tournaments/games can be sent to for posting.
  • Team activities: If the team chooses to do group activities together, it is the role of the Team Manager to organize these activities at the cost of the athletes/parents while ensuring equitable access for all athletes/participants. RDMBA will not fund extracurricular team activities, however team fundraising can be used to cover the costs associated. Speak to the Club Administrator if you have any questions.